ازياء, فساتين سهرة

العودة   ازياء - فساتين سهرة و مكياج و طبخ > عالم الاتصالات والتقنية > عالم التقنية
تسريحات 2013 ذيل الحصان موضة و ازياءازياء فكتوريا بيكهام 2013متاجر ازياء فلانتينو في باريسمكياج العين ماكياج دخاني makeup
عالم التقنية لغة التشات .. يوجد هنا لغة التشات .. يهتم في كل ماهو تقني, الجوالات, الماسنجر, الكمبيوترات المحمولة, الاجهزة الرقمية,

فساتين العيد

قديم 08-26-2011, 11:04 PM   #1

جودي جبر

:: كاتبة جديدة ::

الملف الشخصي
رقم العضوية: 171751
تاريخ التسجيـل: Aug 2011
مجموع المشاركات: 13 
رصيد النقاط : 0

لغة التشات ..

لغة التشات ..

كثير منا يا بنات ما نعرف لغة الاختصارات ... حبيت انقلكم شوي منها وانشالله تنال إعجابكم

:-| ambivalent
O:-) angelic
> > :-( angry
:@ angry and swearing
|-i asleep
(::()::) band aide
:D big smile
:-{} blowing a kiss
\-O bored
:-C bummed out
|c| can of coke
|p| can of pepsi
:( ) can't stop talking
|*-*| cassette tape
<> clap
:*) clowning
:' crying
:'-( crying sadly
:'-) crying with joy
\_/7 cup (coffee/tea)
:-9 delicious, yummy
:-> devilish
;-> devilish wink
"8*# drunk
:*) drunk
:-6 exhausted, wiped out
> ><<*> fish/fishy
>> >><)))`> fish/fishy
_-_-_-_-(*) flying tomato
:->*<-: french kiss
:( frown
\~/ full glass
\_/ glass (drink)
<3 heart
(((((name))))) hug (cyber hug)
(( )):** hugs and kisses
:-i indifferent
:-)*(-: kiss
XO laughing smily, mouth wide open
:-# lips are sealed
:~/ mixed up
:-O mouth open (surprised)
(_) mug (coffee)
@[_]~~ mug of hot coffee or tea
~~!!~~ no joke?
**** popcorn
&&&& pretzels
>:@ really angry and swearing
---/--@ rose
@--)--)(-- rose
:-@ screaming
8O shocked
:O shocked
O.O shocked or suprised
:-) smile
XO smile
=) smile
:) smiling face
:-P sticking out tongue
:-& tongue tied
:-\ undecided
;-) wink
|-O yawning

Chat Word Meaning
&& and
**poof** bye
*G* giggle
.......... speechless
10sion tension
10son tension
2 to
2-9t tonight
2c4skool to cool for school
2c4u to cool for you
2cul to cool
2cute too cute
2d4 to die for
2day today
2getha together
2gether together
2gether4eva together forever
2l8 too late
2moro tomorrow
2morrow tomorrow
2moz tomorrow
2mrw tomorrow
2nite tonight
4 for
411 information
4e forever
4eva forever
4get forget
4rm from
4u2c for you to see
4va forever
4yeo for your eyes only
59 fine
5n fine
8 ate
911 emergency
9t night
<3 love (heart)
<GRRR> I'm so angry
? huh?
? what?
?4u question for you
?dmn? what do you mean?
@ at
^5 high five

Chat Word Meaning
AIM AOL Instant Messenger
abc already been chewed
abc always be careful
abt about
acc account
adn any day now
afaik as far as I know
afk away from keyboard
aitr adult in the room
aka also know as
alol actual laugh out loud
anx thanks
aoas all of a sudden
asap as soon as possible
asl age, sex,
atl all time love
atm at the moment
att all the time
atw at the weekend
au as usual
aukm are you kidding me
awol absent without leave
aykm are you kidding me
azn asian

Chat Word Meaning
b be
b&w black and white
b-day birthday
b-p sunglasses w/ tongue
b/c because
b/l buddy list
b/w between
b4 before
b4n before now
baibai bye bye
bb baby
bb bye bye
bbb bye bye baby
bbfn bye bye for now
bbiab be back in a bit
bbl be back later
bbn bye bye now
bbs be back soon
bcnu be seeing' you
bcoz because
bcuz because
bd big deal
bf boy friend
bff best friend(s) forever
bff4life best freind forever for life
bffae best friend(s) forever and ever
bffl best friend(s) for life
bfn bye for now
bi bye
bka best known as
bl belly laugh
bl buddy list
bmg be my guest
bmgwl busting my gut with laughter
bnscd but now something completely different
boc but of course
boin believe it or not
bot robot
bout about
brb be right back
brs back real soon
brt be right there
bs bull s***
bsc basic
bsu better shut up
btdt been there, done that
btw by the way
btwitiailwu by the way I think I am in love with you
btwn between
bubhye bye bye
bubi bye bye
bwl bursting with laughter
byca before you came along
bz busy

Chat Word Meaning
c see
c&g chuckle and grin
c2c care to chat
cam camera
cbb cant be bothered
cbl come back later
cbs come back soon
ch come here
chix chicks
cico coffee in, coffee out
cid crying in disgrace
ck sick
ckbk click back
clu cool like you
cm call me
cmiiw correct me if I'm wrong
cml call me later
cmm change(d) my mind
cn can
cnp continued (in my) next post
comp computer
conv conversation
convo conversation
coz because
cr chat room
crbt crying real big tears
ctc care to chat
ctc cut the crap
ctp cutie pie
cts change the subject
cu see you
cuial see you in another life
cul catch you later
cul cool
cul see you later
cul8r catch you later
cul8r see you later
cuttl crawling under the table laughing
cuz because
cuz cousin
cuzo cousin
cuzsin cousin
cwfl can't win for losing
cwyl chat with you later
cya see you
cyl call you later
cyl see you later
cyl8r see you later
cym change your mind

Chat Word Meaning
d/ced disconnected
d/l download(ing)(ed)
d8 date
da the
daiz days
dal dum a** loser
dat that
datz that's
dc dont come
dced disconnected
ddm dont disturb me
dere there
dgac dont give a care
dgt dont go there
diff different
diku do I know you
dint didn't
dis this
diy do it yourself
diz this
dk don't know
dltbbb don't let the bed bugs bite
dltm don't lie to me
dnd do not disturb
dob date of birth
dont don't
dqmot don't quote me on this
dsmus thats some messed up stuff
dtb don't text back
dtg dance together
duct did you see that
dunno don't know
duz does
duznt doesn't

Chat Word Meaning
e1 everyone
ea each
eg evil grin
emd eat my dust
emfbi excuse me for butting in
emo emotion
emsg email message
enuff enough
eof end of file
eom end of message
eot end of thread
eotw end of the world
er1 everyone
es enough said
every1 everyone
evry every
evry1 everyone
ez easy

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قديم 08-26-2011, 11:06 PM   #2

جودي جبر

رد: لغة التشات ..

لغة التشات ..

شو رأيكم ؟؟؟؟

قديم 09-20-2011, 09:02 PM   #3

اخت اخويه

رد: لغة التشات ..

لغة التشات ..


يعطيك العافيه..~


أدوات الموضوع

الساعة الآن توقيت السعودية الرياض و الدمام و القصيم و جدة 11:20 AM.


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